Prayer of the Mighty Forests
Heavenly Father, I come before You to ask that You inspire the reduction of global deforestation to a sustainable level for our planet. Through a globally supportive network, guide world leaders to come quickly forth with stringent environmental protection laws, country by country. Encourage the people of each nation to replant their fair share of trees, determined by experts, as commensurate with their country’s level of tree consumption. Allow us time to resuscitate our planet’s dying green mantle. Heighten our awareness during this waning window of opportunity. Guide us to use our time wisely to rectify the ills that place our planet in deep peril. Let us prevent Homo sapiens from being added to the endangered species list. Help us to save our world, and a world for future generations, for it is time, Father. Let us apply ourselves in new ways, that our children may enjoy a shining legacy—one of hope, world health, and limitless possibility.
— Marybeth Gallagher
Prayer Book for Our Planet